Monday, January 15, 2024

Lego Gringott's Bank

When we went to the Bluey X Camp, we stopped off at the Lego store and picked up Gringott's Bank.

It's so big.

The dragon was actually later in the build, but I wanted to put it together first.

I spent the last couple of weeks putting this together a little here and there in the evenings.

It was very relaxing.

On the last bag for the bank.

Then it was time to build the vaults underneath the bank.

All finished.

Side by side.

Now for some close-up shots, starting with the entrance to the vaults.

Hagrid fetching the sorcerer's stone.

The Potter vault.

Griphook at Bellatrix's vault.

Here's the street view of the bank.

I love all the little details.

A view inside the bank.

Here it is all put together.

It's so tall.

We're going to have to split this up between 2 shelves in the Lego room.

The Ukranian Ironbelly perching on top of the bank.

Aubrey's Eye Surgery


Aubrey had an early morning appointment for her eye surgery.

We talked to her and prepared her for the surgery; she was really good and brave about it. One parent could be with her at a time, so I stayed with her for all the pre-op until she was wheeled away for the surgery.

Jeni went in with Aubrey once the surgery was over. Aubrey woke up disoriented and crying. She kept wanting to touch her eye, which we couldn't let her do.

She was feeling better once we were on our way back home. There's a big pocket of blood between 2 layers in her eye, which will clear up over time. Now, she just needs time to heal. Oh, and no beach or playground for a while while she's healing.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Puzzles and Legos


The kids put together their puzzles from Christmas. Evan had the yin-yang wolves.

James has the cute forest animals, with the prominent fox of course.

And Hailey's is this colorful one with the birds.

We also put together this free gift-with-purchase from our recent trip to the Lego store.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

To the Beach and Temple with the Ames Cousins


We went to the beach with the Ames cousins this morning.

The kids found some big mountains of sand piled up.

The weather was so nice today.

Most of the adults were a little chilly.

The kids had fun running into the waves.

Even Evan, who wasn't thrilled at first about going to the beach, had fun.

Tonight we took Evan and Madison to their first Temple trip for baptisms.