Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Universal Studios Party


We were so excited to be back at Universal Studios again this year for our Activision Holiday party.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was our first stop.

We rode Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey inside Hogwarts (Jeni and I took turns sitting with James).

It's a late night out at Universal so Aubrey stayed at home with the Ashcrafts. It was really cold out tonight.

We had some hamburgers and treats at Krusty Burger.

We also picked up 2 Lard Lad donuts and some Butterbeers.

It's a bit of a walk, but we went down to the lower lot to Super Nintendo World.

It was all so brightly-lit and colorful.

We saw people running around playing the side games but we went straight to Mario Kart.

I love the design throughout the line queue.

Even though there was no line in these rooms (and the park was closed for the Activision party), once we got to the end, it was still about a half hour wait before we got on the ride.

It's a fun ride, but I heard that the wait times are 2-3 hours on a regular day. The half-hour wait with "no line" was enough for this to be a one-time ride for us tonight.

It was fun to come back to Universal Studios this year. With Microsoft buying out Activision, this may be our last time.