Saturday, December 9, 2023

Early Christmas with the McClellans


Nana has her Winter Village set up under the Christmas tree.

We have several of the same sets at our house, but Nana's village is definitely larger than ours.

First off, Nana prepared a game for everyone to play.

You get 3 tries to get a ball in the pocket.

Each ball corresponds to a gift bag of the same number with a gift card.

Everyone got to play through 2 rounds until all of the bags were claimed.

That was a lot of fun; thanks Nana!

Even little Aubrey played. (She ended up just ignoring the cue ball and knocking her ball in directly).

Passing out presents for everyone.

Jewelry for Hailey.

Gabby's Dollhouse Legos for Aubrey.

James is always glad to have new weapons in his daily battle against the invisible ninjas.

Everyone had a great time together.

These boys love building Legos.

New dress-up for Aubrey.

Hailey's going to use that for her art supplies she carries with her wherever she goes.


New book for Hailey to read.

James is going to start his Pokemon adventure.

Ah, the teenager on Mom's phone.

Evan can't leave a perfectly good Lego set unbuilt.

James is joining in with his own Lego build.

Ooh, that's a nice, big Lego dollhouse you got there, Aubrey.