Tuesday, October 31, 2023


We went to school to watch James and his class walk in the Storybook Parade.

James is a ninja from one of the Magic Treehouse books.

After dinner, Evan joined up with some friends while we took the other 3 kids out to trick-or-treat.

Aubrey liked checking out the decorations.

Ooh, scary!

She's such a friendly, little girl. She likes to talk to the parents at the door.

Aubrey really likes the big, inflatable decorations. And houses with lights.

Halloween is pretty chill around here. I'd say less than half of the houses have their porch lights on for trick-or-treating, and there really aren't a lot of kids out.

This house was pretty cool. I couldn't even see the kids through the fog halfway across the yard.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Halloween Party


Tonight is our ward Halloween party.

Like the other young women, Hailey ran a game for the Primary kids.

Our kids raided our basket of costumes and picked out what they wanted to wear for Halloween.

Little babies.

Aubrey didn't want to eat dinner; only cookies.

Saw several Barbies at the party.

And Kens.

I grabbed a bunch of stuff from the garage and decorated our van for trunk or treat.

Getting their fill of candy.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Temple Visitor Center


We had a Stake Temple Day today. Hailey joined the youth for baptisms, Jeni and I did some ordinances inside, and the boys joined the Primary tour.

When we re-joined the Primary in the Visitor's Center, the Sister missionaries were putting on a puppet show of Noah's ark.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Field Trip


I went with James and the 2nd graders to the Japanese American National Museum.

And we visited Little Tokyo across the street.

At lunch, one of the kids in my group told me he left his lunch in my car, so I told him to hang tight while I went to grab it from the car, 3 blocks away... Kids are fun.