Thursday, July 27, 2023

So Much Fun in Leavenworth


We loved this little playground in the woods on our last trip to Leavenworth, so we took the kids for a walk and spent some time back at the playground.

James is king of the mountain.

It's so nice to see the kids getting along so well together.

We waded into the Wenatchee River. They even had life vests to borrow back on the trail.

The water is nice and calm right here in these shallows, but then turns to swift rapids where Evan is standing back there.

Clarice helped James back to safety, out of the fast current but lost her sandal.

Clarice dove in and swam down the river and got her sandal back!

Evan's favorite part of the whole trip was swimming in the river. He went as often as he could get an adult to go with him, even if no one else was going.

It was really nice in the river. This spot here, for example, had much calmer water.

This lady had just finished playing her alpine horn and was on her way back out of town.

Just enjoying some nice, outdoor exploring.

Today we visited the Nutcracker Museum.

Boy do they have a lot of nutcrackers of all sorts and themes!

Here is a case of large nutcrackers.

There are even a couple of huge, adult-sized nutcrackers.

The kids each had a scavenger hunt, which we all participated in.

Our classical musicians.

We found some LDS missionary nutcrackers.

There's even a Joseph Smith and a Brigham Young nutcracker.