Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Climbing and Glass Blowing


Clarice is getting married this Saturday so we flew up to Seattle with the kids and made a whole trip out of it.

The kids were excited to get on the plane and fly. Aubrey was so good; she just wanted to look out the window.

Getting in some good nap time.

Our first stop was taking them climbing at High Trek Adventures.

Hailey, Evan, and James got hooked up in their harnesses and ready for an hour of climbing.

Aubrey is too little to go climbing so Jeni took her to the playground next door.

They all did very well and had a fun time.

Of course, this wasn't their first time climbing, after all.

Out of Seattle, we drove to Leavenworth, stopping off at Boulder Bend Glassworks along the way.

We watched them blowing glass while we were there visiting.

It was quite hot inside but cool to watch them work.

We bought a glass ornament while we were there, then met up with the rest of the Ashcrafts in Leavenworth.

Jeni and her family went to an outdoor theatre for a performance of The Sound of Music, while I stayed behind with James and Aubrey.