Sunday, July 30, 2023

Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge


Gillian and Brent were supposed to take a flight home with Hazel and Ike but ran into some issues with the tickets at the airport.

We stuck around at the hotel to make sure they had a place to go, but after a while, we all needed to head outdoors.

So off we went to Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge.

We walked the boardwalk, checking out the forests and wetlands.

There were even wild berries growing along our path.

I really liked the meandering boardwalk.

We went swimming at the hotel pool after this, then said goodbye once again to Brent, Gillian, Ike, and Hazel as they are re-booked for a flight tomorrow, but we have one more day here in Washington.