Monday, July 31, 2023

Northwest Trek Wildlife Park


We spent our last day in Washington at the Northwest Trek Wildlife Park.

We started our visit with a scheduled Wild Drive safari tour.

Big horn sheep.

Reindeer (caribou).

A whole herd of reindeer berating the heat.


Mountain goat.

And just enjoying driving through the forest.

They are in the process of upgrading their tram rides to electric trams, so in the meantime they're offering these Wild Drive tours.

Off to the playground to let the kids run around.

This is Aubrey's first trip to the wildlife park.

Hailey and Jeni, just chilling out.

The Wild Drive was fun, but the kids needed to get out and run around. They get whiney when they're cooped up for too long.

The playground here is so fun; they even have a stream to play in.

Playing tag.

Hailey likes to hide from the camera, but I got her!

The boys gathered wood and built a hut with a group of other kids.

Good work on the hut!

Okay, now time to walk through, visiting the animals.

Evan was grumpy and kept trying to steer us toward the exit. We gave him and Aubrey maps to keep them occupied.

James was excited to see a red fox.

He said, "they're my people."

Barn owl.

Snowy owl.

This tree was thousands of years old. They added several plaques to catalog some historical events during the tree's lifetime.

American bald eagle.

They were acting like baby bald eagles in their nest.

Black bear.

Arctic wolf.