Thursday, June 22, 2023

Yellowstone Upper Loop


We saw these park rangers on horseback as we entered Yellowstone this morning.

Today we drove the Upper Loop, making stops whenever we saw something worth stopping for.

Hailey's feeling better so she and Jeni were able to join us.

We saw some thermal pools close to the Lower Loop, but less and less thermal activity the further north we drove.

A low haze of steam across this pool, with much more vegetation growing around the edges than we saw yesterday.

We saw some baby bison in this herd.

Aubrey's happy just to be outside.

A few of them would come down to the river for a drink.

Beryl Spring had a strong sulfur smell. It was very stinky.

Over by the Mammoth Hot Springs, we found a deer.

Here's Aubrey with the deer in the background.

Terraces of calcium called travertine.

Calcium deposits next to this little runoff stream.

Color on one side, colorless on the other.

Found another little deer buddy.

Stopping off at the little town of Mammoth for a lunch break.

This bison was close by the road, as we continued our drive.

A bear on the edge of the woods.

I liked this strip of vertical rock in the middle of the mountain side.

There is still snow up on top of the mountains.

I think this is the same bison herd we saw this morning.