Monday, June 26, 2023

Our Journey Home

We left the cabin Saturday and stayed at Lauren and Tyler's. After attending the local ward, we hit the road again.

We split the drive home into 3 days, just like our drive up to Idaho.

On the second day, we stopped at Scipio again to visit the animals and fill the car with gas.

All the animals were chillin' just like last time.

It was time well-spent along our journey home.

On our final day, we stopped off at Las Vegas and walked around for a bit, starting with the Venetian.

I like how the inside is made to feel like we're walking around in Venice at dusk.

We passed by the Eiffel Tower.

We walked by the Bellagio fountain, but the kids were hot, bored, and were largely unimpressed with Las Vegas, so we got back in the car and continued home.