Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Joy School

Today we had joy school at our house.

Looking for worms in our compost.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Post-Thanksgiving Discovery Cube Visit

We wpent the day wandering a children's museum.

Making little race cars.

Someone wanted to pull the table cloth.

You would be surprised who won.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Lake Shrine

We were looking for somewhere nice to let the kids explore outside. Lake Shrine is about a mile and a half away from the Getty Villa.

Wandering around the lake.

Can you tell winter is coming?

Checking out the koi fish and ducks.

The visitor center gave us food to feed the swans.

We saw lots and lots of turtles.

Being outside and being free to run around lifts everyone's spirits.

I wonder who did that.  Funny thing when I asked who wrote that everyone said they didn't do. Then I asked again and said if the culprit got caught lying she would go striaght to bed. Guess who fessed up.