A new book!
And a pot of gold.
And white chocolate. Yum!
We played pirates outside on the picnic table.
Evan was opposed to the monkey having a sword.
Shark Attack!
We were looking at this map of France and the kids noticed snails on there. When I told them Nana & Papa ate snails over there the kids were mortified and in shock. (Yesterday we had to talk about how we don't eat bugs after Evan put a roly poly in Hailey's water bottle.)
Found the escape boat.
Checking himself out in the mirror. A new pair of underpants after having an accident.
We made sweet potato noodles..... trying something new. After dinner we went sand saw the new Cinderella movie which Hailey loved. Evan lost interest and finally he and Daddy left to spent the last quarter of the movie out in the foyer.