Friday, September 20, 2013

The Hose Wins Again.

She loves to go to Costco and look at all the Christmas decorations. She keeps asking when we are going to get a Christmas tree.

Hailey loves to check the mailbox.


Much easier to retrieve the mail this way.

She actually got something... something fun.

Our tickets to see the Nutcracker in December!

It was cool and cloudy today, and they wanted to play with the hose. I realized they don't care whether it is cold outside or not. And it meant a good 30 minutes of peace and quiet for me while I just sat and watched them play.

Steve was downtown on jury duty. We were hoping he didn't get picked and decided to make some celebration cookies.

Someone is unhappy that he has to share the stool.

They both wanted to help....did I mention they dropped eggs on the floor before we even got started?

All is better if allowed to eat some cookie dough.