Thrilled to have a spatula to chew on while he watches me wash the dishes.
Smiling at his dad.
Grandma Chris used to live next door to my parents when we were really young. Her second husband Gus just had to put her in a home because her Alzheimers is really bad.
Hailey was shy.
She didn't recognize us, but we were really glad to see her.
Oh, the funny things she said to us.
My sister Kendra is going to have to learn this crazy language for her mission very soon!
One of his better moments. He had a major barfing episode in the car which was so messy to clean up.
We had somewhere to be every night this week so we ate a lot of easy to put together dinners like this.
Too many parties for Hailey.... started to wear her out.
We have been up to the Temple for a concert and twice to see the lights. This particular night I got a terrible allergic reaction in my eyes. Both my eyes started to swell shut.
Hanging out with two of my sisters.
Hailey, are you ready for Christmas?
Still not sure how this baby has blue eyes and blonde hair; must be a conspiracy from his father.
This is the dress we got Clarice for her 14th birthday today.
Evan wants to eat our Elf on the Shelf, Gumdrop.
She actually held still for 2 seconds.
And then that was over.
She's our sassy child.
And here's our happy baby.
Can't ever seem to get them to look at the camera at the same time.
These two are buddies.
Mama, wake up! Are you there???
Now I can see you!
How long until I can chew on Christmas wrapping paper?